Flavor 11/17 Combinations

The structure of these files are very easy, Flavor 11 calls 7 offsets, Flavor 17 calls four values.

New rules apply to Flavor 11's that are grouped with Flavor 17, in fact, nothing in the file calls to flavor 17 offsets, if a 17 exists it applies properties over the 11.

Flavor 11 calls like this:

Offset 1 : Calls to the 1st textured section   (totalsectionlength/4) * 1     : High Res          1/4

Offset 2 : Calls to the 2nd textured section  (totalsectionlength/4) * 2     : High Res          2/4

Offset 3 : Calls to the 3rd textured section  (totalsectionlength/4) * 3     : High Res          3/4

Offset 4 : Calls to the 4th textured section  (totalsectionlength/4) * 4     : High Res          4/4

Offset 5 : Calls to the 1st non textured section  (totalsectionlength/2) * 1    : Med Res Section 1            1/2

Offset 6 : Calls to the 2nd non textured section (totalsectionlength/2) * 2    : Med Res Section 2            2/2

Offset 7 : Calls to the only non textured section whose length is the entire section.  (totalsectionlength)  : Lo Res 1 1/1

Below are some diagrams that explain what FL11 offsets do what.

               Flavor 17's four values are the same as the four beginning section distance values for the diagram below.

Textured sections, high res.

                          ABOVE:       Offset 1           Offset 2                  Offset3                Offset4

1/2 and 2/2 medium resolution.

                          ABOVE:                 Offset  5                                             Offset 6

Lo Res, section 1/1

                          ABOVE:                                                 Offset 7
