Most scenery is taken from the new Elkhart Lake track. 1. Unpack Flatglen.dat in a separate directory (flattemp) 2. Unpack new graphics in a separate directory (newgrph) 3. Replace/overwrite the flattemp horiz.3do with the newgrph horiz.3do. 4. Copy all other newgrph graphics to the flattemp directory 5. Edit the flatglen.pck file. At the very start you will find a number 79. This number must be changed to 81. 6. Edit the flatglen.pck file and change the names as follows: armco.mip to armco.m16 crowd1.mip to crowd1.m16 grass.mip to grass.m16 horiz.mip to horiz.m16 tree1.pmp to tree1.p16 tree2.pmp to tree2.p16 tree3.pmp to tree3.p16 elktree1.pmp to elktree.p16 elktree2.pmp to elktree.p16 elktree3.pmp to elktree.p16 wall.mip to wall.m16 tent.mip to tent.m16 ADD: sky.mi4 skyindex.m16 7. Now perform: PACK FLATGLEN.PCK You should now have a new flatglen.dat for rendition ready cards. Make sure you backup the old flatglen.dat in case you make an error in the above steps. 8. Overwrite the original flatglen.dat file in the track directory. Enjoy your new 3d scenery at Flatglen. Dave Thayer.