Flavor 1 - Plain Polygons


Tracks - Objects - Cars

Defines a n-sides plain polygon. The SIM allows the definition of non-plane polygons but it will make them look strange.

  LONG    PURPOSE                       N = 4 + (LONG 3)
   1      Flavor Flag (01 00 00 80)
   2      Color
   3      Number of Vertices
   4-N    Flavor Offsets

        Specifies the color used to fill this polygon.

Vertex of Vertices
        Is a value that contains the number of vertices used to construct this polygon minus one.

Flavor Offsets
        List of Flavor #0 offsets.

Flavor 1 is used when the sim needs to call a polygon that has no texture, it is commonly used for catch fence posts,
black tire marks on the racing surface, and white/yellow lines on tracks. The sim also uses flavor 1 when drawing in the medium/far distances of track drawing, see  - REFERENCE -.
